
Showing posts with the label Columnar database

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8 Ways to Optimize AWS Glue Jobs in a Nutshell

  Improving the performance of AWS Glue jobs involves several strategies that target different aspects of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. Here are some key practices. 1. Optimize Job Scripts Partitioning : Ensure your data is properly partitioned. Partitioning divides your data into manageable chunks, allowing parallel processing and reducing the amount of data scanned. Filtering : Apply pushdown predicates to filter data early in the ETL process, reducing the amount of data processed downstream. Compression : Use compressed file formats (e.g., Parquet, ORC) for your data sources and sinks. These formats not only reduce storage costs but also improve I/O performance. Optimize Transformations : Minimize the number of transformations and actions in your script. Combine transformations where possible and use DataFrame APIs which are optimized for performance. 2. Use Appropriate Data Formats Parquet and ORC : These columnar formats are efficient for storage and querying, signif

6 Advantages of Columnar Databases over Traditional RDBMS

In traditional RDBMS, when a data source is accessed by multi users at single time, then database will go into deadlock state. One of the advantages of a columnar model is that if two or more users want to use a different subset of columns, they do not have to lock out each other.         (Superior benefits for NoSQL Jobs) This design is made easier because of a disk storage method known as RAID (redundant array of independent disks, originally redundant array of inexpensive disks), which combines multiple disk drives into a logical unit. Data is stored in several patterns called levels that have different amounts of redundancy. The idea of the redundancy is that when one drive fails, the other drives can take over. When a replacement disk drive in put in the array, the data is replicated from the other disks in the array and the system is restored. The following are the various levels of RAID: RAID 0 (block-level striping without parity or mirroring) has no (or zero) re