
Showing posts with the label teradata

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8 Ways to Optimize AWS Glue Jobs in a Nutshell

  Improving the performance of AWS Glue jobs involves several strategies that target different aspects of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. Here are some key practices. 1. Optimize Job Scripts Partitioning : Ensure your data is properly partitioned. Partitioning divides your data into manageable chunks, allowing parallel processing and reducing the amount of data scanned. Filtering : Apply pushdown predicates to filter data early in the ETL process, reducing the amount of data processed downstream. Compression : Use compressed file formats (e.g., Parquet, ORC) for your data sources and sinks. These formats not only reduce storage costs but also improve I/O performance. Optimize Transformations : Minimize the number of transformations and actions in your script. Combine transformations where possible and use DataFrame APIs which are optimized for performance. 2. Use Appropriate Data Formats Parquet and ORC : These columnar formats are efficient for storage and querying, signif

Teradata: Key Role in Telecommunication Analytics

Teradata, a US analytics solutions and applications provider, has said that there is a growing market for next-generation analytics in India amid intense competition among telcos and growing mobile phone penetration. Insights Carriers with increasing consumer focus require next-generation analytics to unify data from both the traditional and Big Data environments and transform it into meaningful insights - on how subscribers are consuming their services and in turn how they can improve their marketing tactics for upselling, customer retention, and loyalty. And ever since mobile number portability ( MNP) - a facility that allows subscribers to retain their numbers despite switching operators - was introduced late 2010 in India, customer retention has become a key imperative for service operators such as Vodafone India, Idea Cellular, and Bharti Airtel. Telecom Analytics "With rising teledensity, ensuing competition, and falling average revenue-per-user, telcos will have to look b