
Showing posts with the label digital-marketing

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8 Ways to Optimize AWS Glue Jobs in a Nutshell

  Improving the performance of AWS Glue jobs involves several strategies that target different aspects of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. Here are some key practices. 1. Optimize Job Scripts Partitioning : Ensure your data is properly partitioned. Partitioning divides your data into manageable chunks, allowing parallel processing and reducing the amount of data scanned. Filtering : Apply pushdown predicates to filter data early in the ETL process, reducing the amount of data processed downstream. Compression : Use compressed file formats (e.g., Parquet, ORC) for your data sources and sinks. These formats not only reduce storage costs but also improve I/O performance. Optimize Transformations : Minimize the number of transformations and actions in your script. Combine transformations where possible and use DataFrame APIs which are optimized for performance. 2. Use Appropriate Data Formats Parquet and ORC : These columnar formats are efficient for storage and querying, signif

Trends In Digital Marketing in 2014-2015

Digital marketing uses various tools for digital marketing functions such as sales CRM, marketing automation, e-commerce, e-mail, WCM, web analytics, and social CRM. Related Skills for Digital Marketing You Need All these software tools collectively help an organization to develop and implement effective marketing strategies. Tools for Global Digital Marketing These tools are developed to serve specific functions in the Global Digital Marketing market as explained below: Sales CRM manages customer interaction and aligns an organization's sales process such as order tracking, sales performance, and distribution. Marketing automation enhances the capabilities of the marketing department of any organization to design strategies, automate processes, and improve customer communications, and also operates either as standalone software or as a major component of CRM software. E-commerce software offers advanced capabilities for searching, order management, cart management, and cont