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SQL Interview Success: Unlocking the Top 5 Frequently Asked Queries

 Here are the five top commonly asked SQL queries in the interviews. These you can expect in Data Analyst, or, Data Engineer interviews. Top SQL Queries for Interviews 01. Joins The commonly asked question pertains to providing two tables, determining the number of rows that will return on various join types, and the resultant. Table1 -------- id ---- 1 1 2 3 Table2 -------- id ---- 1 3 1 NULL Output ------- Inner join --------------- 5 rows will return The result will be: =============== 1  1 1   1 1   1 1    1 3    3 02. Substring and Concat Here, we need to write an SQL query to make the upper case of the first letter and the small case of the remaining letter. Table1 ------ ename ===== raJu venKat kRIshna Solution: ========== SELECT CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 1)), LOWER(SUBSTRING(name, 2))) AS capitalized_name FROM Table1; 03. Case statement SQL Query ========= SELECT Code1, Code2,      CASE         WHEN Code1 = 'A' AND Code2 = 'AA' THEN "A" | "A

Major Players in Cloud Computing

As of now the following are major players in cloud computing. Amazon.com is a web retailer and has the world's largest public cloud.

  • Google operates a computing cloud built upon open source software which is optimized for Internet search.
  •  Hewlett-Packard provides business printers with the capability to scan and store information within pods in cloud computing systems that combine servers, data storage, and management software in a single integrated package.
  • IBM employs a hybrid commercial and open source cloud strategy developed from prototype projects with client companies and government agencies.
  • Microsoft has a commercial software centric infrastructure for delivering cloud computing services.
  • Oracle markets an engineered systems approach combining hardware and software it promotes as providing superior performance and security.
  • NetSuite provides financial and resource planning functions.
  • Salesforce.com sells cloud-based e-mail, computer storage, and customer management and customer management software; it also has acquired other companies to offer social enterprise tools.
  • Other major technology suppliers which have cloud-related hardware and software products include Cisco and Dell.


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