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Python map() and lambda() Use Cases and Examples

 In Python, map() and lambda functions are often used together for functional programming. Here are some examples to illustrate how they work. Python map and lambda top use cases 1. Using map() with lambda The map() function applies a given function to all items in an iterable (like a list) and returns a map object (which can be converted to a list). Example: Doubling Numbers numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] doubled = list ( map ( lambda x: x * 2 , numbers)) print (doubled) # Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] 2. Using map() to Convert Data Types Example: Converting Strings to Integers string_numbers = [ "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" ] integers = list ( map ( lambda x: int (x), string_numbers)) print (integers) # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 3. Using map() with Multiple Iterables You can also use map() with more than one iterable. The lambda function can take multiple arguments. Example: Adding Two Lists Element-wise list1 = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]

10 Tricky Apache-Storm Interview Questions

The storm is a real-time computation system. It is a flagship software from Apache foundation. Has the capability to process in-stream data. You can integrate traditional databases easily in the Storm. The tricky and highly useful interview questions given in this post for your quick reference. Bench mark for Storm is a million tuples processed per second per node.

Interview Questions

Tricky Interview Questions

1) Real uses of Storm?

A) You can use in real-time analytics, online machine learning, continuous computation, distributed RPC, ETL

2) What are different available layers on Storm?
  • Flux
  • SQL
  • Streams API
  • Trident 
3)  The real use of SQL API on top of Storm?

A) You can run SQL queries on stream data

4) Most popular integrations to Storm?
  1. HDFS
  2. Cassandra
  3. JDBC
  4. HIVE
  5. HBase
5) What are different possible Containers integration with Storm?
  1. YARN
  3. MESOS
6) What is Local Mode?

A) Running topologies in the Local server we can say as Local Mode.

7) Where all the Events Stored in Storm?
A) Event Logger mechanism saves all events

8) What are Serializable data types in Storm?
A) Storm can serialize primitive types, strings, byte arrays, ArrayList, HashMap, and HashSet

9) What are Hooks in Storm?
A) You can place the custom code in Storm and you can run events many times

10) What is the Joining of Streams?
A) Streams from different sources you can Join on a particular join condition


Apache Spark Vs Apache Storm Vs Tableau

  • The storm is super past in stream processing engine for Big data analytics
  • Tableau is Data warehousing presentation tool
  • Spark is Cluster Maintenance and Fault Tolerance
Apache storm



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