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How to Build CI/CD Pipeline: GitHub to AWS

 Creating a CI/CD pipeline to deploy a project from GitHub to AWS can be done using various AWS services like AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and optionally AWS CodeDeploy or Amazon ECS for application deployment. Below is a high-level guide on how to set up a basic GitHub to AWS pipeline: Prerequisites AWS Account : Ensure access to the AWS account with the necessary permissions. GitHub Repository : Have your application code hosted on GitHub. IAM Roles : Create necessary IAM roles with permissions to interact with AWS services (e.g., CodePipeline, CodeBuild, S3, ECS, etc.). AWS CLI : Install and configure the AWS CLI for easier management of services. Step 1: Create an S3 Bucket for Artifacts AWS CodePipeline requires an S3 bucket to store artifacts (builds, deployments, etc.). Go to the S3 service in the AWS Management Console. Create a new bucket, ensuring it has a unique name. Note the bucket name for later use. Step 2: Set Up AWS CodeBuild CodeBuild will handle the build proces

Python Regex: The 5 Exclusive Examples

 Regular expressions (regex) are powerful tools for pattern matching and text manipulation in Python. Here are five Python regex examples with explanations:

Regular expression examples

01 Matching a Simple Pattern

import re

text = "Hello, World!"

pattern = r"Hello"

result = re.search(pattern, text)

if result:

    print("Pattern found:", result.group())



Pattern found: Hello

This example searches for the pattern "Hello" in the text and prints it when found.

02 Matching Multiple Patterns

import re

text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

patterns = [r"fox", r"dog"]

for pattern in patterns:

    if re.search(pattern, text):

        print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' found.")


Pattern 'fox' found.

Pattern 'dog' found.

It searches for both "fox" and "dog" patterns in the text and prints when they are found.

03 Matching Any Digit


import re

text = "The price of the product is $99.99."

pattern = r"\d+"

result = re.search(pattern, text)

if result:

    print("Price:", result.group())


Price: 99

This example extracts digits (numbers) from the text.

04 Matching Email Addresses

import re

text = "Contact us at support@example.com or info@example.org."

pattern = r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,7}\b"

emails = re.findall(pattern, text)

for email in emails:

    print("Email:", email)


Email: support@example.com

Email: info@example.org

It extracts email addresses from the text using a common email pattern.

05. Replacing Text


import re

text = "Please visit our website at http://www.example.com."

pattern = r"http://www\.[A-Za-z]+\.[A-Za-z]+"

replacement = "https://www.example.com"

updated_text = re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)

print("Updated Text:", updated_text)


Updated Text: Please visit our website at https://www.example.com.

This example replaces a URL with a different URL in the text.

These are just a few examples of what you can do with regular expressions in Python. Regex is a versatile tool for text processing, and you can create complex patterns to match specific text structures or extract information from text data.


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