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SQL Interview Success: Unlocking the Top 5 Frequently Asked Queries

 Here are the five top commonly asked SQL queries in the interviews. These you can expect in Data Analyst, or, Data Engineer interviews. Top SQL Queries for Interviews 01. Joins The commonly asked question pertains to providing two tables, determining the number of rows that will return on various join types, and the resultant. Table1 -------- id ---- 1 1 2 3 Table2 -------- id ---- 1 3 1 NULL Output ------- Inner join --------------- 5 rows will return The result will be: =============== 1  1 1   1 1   1 1    1 3    3 02. Substring and Concat Here, we need to write an SQL query to make the upper case of the first letter and the small case of the remaining letter. Table1 ------ ename ===== raJu venKat kRIshna Solution: ========== SELECT CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 1)), LOWER(SUBSTRING(name, 2))) AS capitalized_name FROM Table1; 03. Case statement SQL Query ========= SELECT Code1, Code2,      CASE         WHEN Code1 = 'A' AND Code2 = 'AA' THEN "A" | "A

Three top big data trainings useful to get deep insights

training programs

I have selected 3 top professional training programs for all working engineers.
  1. ISB- Indian School of Business: started a course in "Certificate Program" in Analytics:The use of Business Analytics is widespread across all industries and functions, including Information Technology, Web/E-commerce, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Banking and Insurance, Biotechnology, Human Resource Management.
  2. WIPRO-Started deepening: its Analytical Business with " OPERA SOLUTIONS":Opera Solutions will allow Wipro engineers to offer solutions for customers based on the predictive analytics company's technology platform, according to a senior executive of the New Jersey based company. 
  3. SAAS - Software as a service changed INDIA IT indutsry: Empowering non-tech employees.The SaaS revolution in India is also bringing about another important change in organizations. "The CMO today is even more empowered than before," said Gartner's Padmanabhan. "Previously, there was extensive dependency on IT, but now the technology department is more and more relegated to a support role for integration, data mining, overseeing contractual terms with vendors, and so on. They focus more on keeping the lights on," he added.


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