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SQL Interview Success: Unlocking the Top 5 Frequently Asked Queries

 Here are the five top commonly asked SQL queries in the interviews. These you can expect in Data Analyst, or, Data Engineer interviews. Top SQL Queries for Interviews 01. Joins The commonly asked question pertains to providing two tables, determining the number of rows that will return on various join types, and the resultant. Table1 -------- id ---- 1 1 2 3 Table2 -------- id ---- 1 3 1 NULL Output ------- Inner join --------------- 5 rows will return The result will be: =============== 1  1 1   1 1   1 1    1 3    3 02. Substring and Concat Here, we need to write an SQL query to make the upper case of the first letter and the small case of the remaining letter. Table1 ------ ename ===== raJu venKat kRIshna Solution: ========== SELECT CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 1)), LOWER(SUBSTRING(name, 2))) AS capitalized_name FROM Table1; 03. Case statement SQL Query ========= SELECT Code1, Code2,      CASE         WHEN Code1 = 'A' AND Code2 = 'AA' THEN "A" | "A

vi Editor Top Commands for Ubuntu OS

I have given VI editor commands to use in Ubuntu operating system. You can practice using them for your benefit and you can complete your work quickly. To begin changing or adding to text with vi, you can enter Insert or Replace modes, as shown in the following list. When you enter Insert or Replace mode, the characters you type will appear in the text document (as opposed to being interpreted as commands).  vi filename This is the first command to enter into editor mode. Once you enter into editor mode, you need to enter other commands to complete your editing work. Press the Esc key t o exit to Normal mode after you are done inserting or replacing text. List of VI Editor Commands.. i—Typed text appears before current character. a—Typed text appears after current character. o—Open a new line below current line to begin typing. s—Erase current character and replace with new text. c?—Replace ? with l, w, $, or c to change the current letter, word, end of line, or line. r—Repla

Data science: Simple Project to Practice

I want to share with you how to use Python for your Data science or analytics Projects. Many programmers struggle to learn Data science because they do not know where to start. You can get hands-on if you start with a mini-project. I have used Ubuntu Operating System for this project. You Need dual skills; Learning and Apply knowledge to become a data scientist. In Data science you need to learn and apply your knowledge.   After engineering, you can go for M Tech Degree.  You can become a real engineer if you apply engineering principles. So Data science also the same. Data Visualization in Python is my simple project Importance of Data Data is a precious resource in resolving Machine Learning and Data Science Problems.  Define first what is your problem. Collect Data  Wrangle the Data and Clean it. Visualize the Patterns In the olden days , you might be studied a subject called Statistical Analysis.  In this subject, you need to study the actual problem and collect the data in

6 Top Solidity Interview Questions

Solidity is the prime language to write the logic for smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain. These are selected interview questions refresh before you take an interview. Solidity Interview Questions on Solidity 1. What is Solidity? A) Solidity is the main language that you can use to write programs in Blockchain, such as smart contracts. 2. Where the Solidity programs run in Ethereum? A). Those will run in EVM. You can also call it an Ethereum Virtual Machine. 3. What kind of logic a Smart Contract can contain? A contract in the sense of Solidity is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain 4). Can the source code of smart contracts accessible to the outside world?  A). No, it is not possible to access the source code to the network. Also, there is limited access to one smart contract logic to the other smart contract logic. Eve, file systems, and other processes cannot access the source

8 Popular Encryption Methods Real Usage

The process of replacing original data with special-characters is called an Encryption. A highly secured server handles the encryption and Decryption. You need a private key to decrypt the data. Else, you cannot decrypt the data. Private keys are two types. The sender uses one private key and the receiver uses one other private key. I have given in this post about 8 encryption methods. Flow Diagram of Encryption image courtesy by   Different Encryption Methods Classic Cipher Random Key Generation RSA Token Hash Functions Mac value - Message Authentication code Key Hash TLS Protocol Authenticated Cipher  1. Classic Cipher. The best example is this kind of algorithm was used in world war -II communication machines. 2. Random Key Generations. One kind of security. They use an algorithm that sends random numbers. People use that number as a password.  3. RSA Token. Every 30 seconds a token is generated. Mostly people use for financial ap

How to Use For loop List Option Quickly

For loop is main concept in Python programming. Out of all the For Loop options, the list option is so popular. If you know, how to use this concept, you can write any number of programs quickly and with less effort. Using for loop you can get index for list items. You can print list elements using for loop. If you take any language , the loops play a vital role. How to Use For Loop When you want to deal with data of multiple values, you need loops. So, For Loop is so famous because, you can control multiple input values. Syntax to Write For Loop for i in my_list: print(i) The 'i' says variable that represents value in the 'my_list'. The for helps to iterate the list values one by one. Example Program For Loop List in Python my_list=[2,3,4] for i in my_list: print(i) Result 2 3 4 How to create Multiplication Table using Python For-Loop List O

AWS Block Vs Object Storage Top Differences

In AWS, Block and Object are two types of storage. I have given differences between these two. Why because storage is a prime concept in the cloud environment. Object Vs Block Storage Why are these names different? Because these two are different storage types - Object and Block. Object Storage Object means it is a single object. You are not dividing here. In the context of AWS, object storage helps your file to store as-is. How big it does not matter. Let your file size is 10MB. Then, it saves as a 10 MB file. What happens when you update a 30MB file. It deletes the old object and creates a brand new one. For small changes, you need to update the whole file. So, it utilizes a lot of resources. Object storage is much better for big files and very few changes. AWS manages object storage. AWS has full control over Object storage. Object Vs Block Block Storage Block storage divides your file into blocks. You have selected a block size of 512 bytes. If you want to upload a 10MB file, it th

AWS to Understand EC2 Security

Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud, you can call it EC2. Here're EC2 top security features and shared frequently asked interview questions on EC2. Based on your requirement, you can increase or decrease computing power. Before you enable the Autoscaling feature, you need to know its impacts since it's the Administrator's responsibility. AWS to Understand EC2 Security AWS EC2 Making your existing hardware to the requirement always is not so easy. So EC2 service in AWS helps you to allocate computing power according to your needs.  AWS EC2 instance acts as your physical server. It has a memory. You can increase the instance size in terms of CPU, Memory, Storage, and GPU.  EC2 auto scaling is a property, where it automatically increase your computing power. Security Features in EC2 Virtual Private Cloud. The responsibility of Virtual Private Cloud is to safeguard each instance separately. That means, you cannot access other instances, which are already created by other organiz

Calculate Circle Area the Logic You Need to write in Python

In Python, you can calculate the circle area easily by using the function. The purpose of Python is to use in data analysis. You need this logic in many areas. You can use in your present finance projects or new ones. Benefits of function you can re-use the same code number of times. Area of Circle=pi*r*r Area of Circle Steps Given - You Can do Using Two Methods, Explained Both Methods I have given steps to calculate the  area of a circle using two different methods. First I followed by creating a user-defined function. Next, directly I ran the formula in the interpreter.   Method -1 Steps I have followed to Calculate Area Using Function Logged into Cent Os (Linux) Create .py module Import .py module into Python Execute .py module  1. Log in I have first logged into CentOS. You can see there '$'. 2. Creating .py module To create ".py" module. You can use the vi editor command. You need 'import decimal' to